Mini-interviews! With the blongteam!

Hello Internets~!

Happy xmas eve 2 to those of u who celebrate ^_^

Leading up to our (very-soon-to-be-published) 5th issue, we’re releasing on this here blongblog a series of mini-interviews with our staff, so you can get to know em better! We asked them to choose 3 of the following q’s and to include any accompanying photo(s) they’d like to. Big thanks to our new Managing Editor, Catherine Bai, for coming up with these fabulous q’s ::

What is your secret superpower?

What themes, emotions, questions, etc. will always speak to you in poetry/art?

Tell us about your ~*writing rituals*~! (Or tell us the story behind a poem you’ve written recently!)

What have you been snacking on recently? (food or non-food!)

Tell us about a recent success, a small victory, a huge win, something you’re proud of!

[For the newer blongees!] What excites you most about joining the blongteam?

Stay tuned for our very first mini-interview~ It’ll be coming to you a little later tonight <3

Samchen Chenwein