Stevie Edwards

Harm’s Way

After the Halloween work party 
            wearing a black slip, a picture of Freud 
                        taped to the front (a Freudian Slip! hahaha! 
a brainy skank!), after I proved my dominance 
            at flip-cup, after the turtlenecked 
                        Amelia Earhart asked if I was a stripper 
(hahahah!), after how my body looked in lace, 
            and I said I used to teach in the Ivy League 
                        and drank faster and didn’t say when 
I was sixteen I traded my body for beds 
            all summer, a pretty Black Swan drove me 
                        home. Probably Vince was smoking 
menthols on our shared porch, 
            belly gurgling with stolen wine, 
                        a chef’s easy loot. Probably I walked 
sloppy in my heels, a chicken 
            with my head hacked off bumbling 
                        senseless. Probably his long arm 
draped around my shoulders harmless 
            as a dead snake. After he left my torn 
                        stockings atop of the washing machine– 
I asked if he’d used a condom after I asked 
            if he’d fucked me and he looked down 
                        at his feet, scarred from spilled roux, 
and said no he didn’t like using them. I said 
            very little for a very long time until 
                        I woke in my skin in an old state, 
my parents’ garage piled with boxes, my body 
            spread like an X across a queen mattress 
                        marking what’s mine in the dark.


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Stevie Edwards is the founder and editor-in-chief of Muzzle Magazine and senior editor in book development at YesYes Books. Her first book, Good Grief (Write Bloody, 2012), received the Independent Publisher Book Awards Bronze in Poetry and the Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Her second book, Humanlywas released in 2015 by Small Doggies Press, and her chapbook, Sadness Workshop, was published by Button Poetry in January 2018. She has an M.F.A. in poetry from Cornell University and is a Ph.D. candidate in creative writing at University of North Texas. Her writing is published and forthcoming in Indiana ReviewCrazyhorseTriQuarterlyRedivider32 PoemsWest BranchThe JournalRattleVerse DailyPleiadesNinth Letter, and elsewhere.