Lily Someson

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stubborn 4 stubborn, silky centered,
witchy pisces, soft feeling, many layered,
any gender, touch starved,
post-break-up, virgo rising, kinky
low-femme, maybe switchy, very
sensitive, disco dancer, oil painter,
house plant lover, sweetbrier,
kind-hearted, semi-romantic,
city-slicker, slut-magic, grad student,
anti-capitalist; seeking a light
on the bedside table, overthrowing lesbian
bed death — in the name of tenderness,
surprise me darling


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Lily Someson is a queer poet and essayist living in Chicago. They are currently an undergraduate poetry major at Columbia College Chicago and a founding member/Editor-in-Chief of Ransack Press. They have read at the Poetry Foundation for the Open Door Reading Series, and their work has been published or is forthcoming in Court Green Journal, Hooligan Magazine, Underblong Journal, Columbia Poetry Review, and Queeriosity (Young Chicago Authors) among others. They are currently writing a chapbook on incarceration, queerness, and black body in America.