Ica Sadagat
Saturation is another word for concentration and I am very focused
Whenever I put on clean panties, I feel an urge
To soil them. As if I’m on a mission to soak
anything with the an audacity to touch me.
What is the name of this gesture and why call it
desire? Another question is: If I cum
eight times and nobody is around to lick me
Am I still a good girl? Am I still a good girl
when I say no? No is the language of god.
Can I have one billion dollars? No. Can I end
global poverty? No. Can I forgive my father? No.
Can I fly? I fuck around and learn that the air is wet
And my body was never a temple but a feeling thing.
Sensitive, soaked
And screaming.
Photo by Naima Green
Ica tries.